• Faculty of Arts And Social Sciences
  • sastera@um.edu.my
  • +603-79675500

Department Overview

The Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Science was established in 1963. It has steadily flourished for the past 58 years and has the prestige of being the oldest Chinese Studies Department in Malaysia. The objectives of the establishment are to preserve, teach and promote Chinese culture, to translate Chinese classics to help people from different ethnic groups to understand Chinese culture, and to improve the academic level of Sinology in Malaysia and contribute to society.

As a major Department of Chinese Studies in the Southeast Asia region, the Department is one of the important centres for learning and research for Chinese Studies in the region. The Department strives to become an alternative venue for Sinology studies besides China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Several research centres were established based on the joint effort of the Department and Faculty. The research centres are Hong Lou Meng Research Centre, Humanistic Buddhism Research Center, and Mahua Literature Research Centre. Also, the Department has developed close relationships with many major foreign universities, especially those in China, Taiwan as well as Hong Kong. Scholars from foreign universities have always been invited by the Department to deliver seminars and participate in academic exchange.

In this program, students can venture into the fields of Chinese language, literature society and culture. Chinese language modules are also open to students who have no foundation in the Chinese language but want to take specialised electives in this program. Through this program, students can not only deepen their knowledge in the field of Sinology, but also apply the skills learned in their lives and careers, and venture into interdisciplinary fields. Students will also be competitive in the field of Sinology studies in terms of theory and practice to contribute towards the development of society and the country.

To date, the Department has successfully educated students of high calibre. Some of the graduands are now lecturers in local universities such as UM, UPSI, UiTM, UTAR, NEUC etc., or even foreign universities. Other graduates are playing active roles in translation, creative writing, education, publishing, marketing etc. The Department further consolidates its academic achievements through insightful interactions with other universities and industries.

Head of Department

Associate Professor Dr. Fan Pik Wah
Head of Department

Tel :  +603 -79675641
Email : fanpw@um.edu.my


Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy
Adjunct Professor

Tel : +603 -79675484
Email : 

Associate Professor Dr. Fan Pik Wah
Associate Professor

Tel :  +603 -79675641
Email : fanpw@um.edu.my

Dr. Ching Thing Ho
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675661
Email : cthingho@um.edu.my

Dr. Yam Kah Kean
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675658
Email : yamkk@um.edu.my

Dr. Ho Kee Chye
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675462
Email : hkeechye@um.edu.my

Dr. Choong Hock Keong
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675650
Email : choonghockkeong@um.edu.my

Dr. Teoh Hooi See
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675647
Email : teohhooisee@um.edu.my

Dr. Ngu Ik Tien
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675651
Email : tngu@um.edu.my

Dr. Ong Siew Kian
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675688
Email : siewkian@um.edu.my

Dr. Chai Siaw Ling
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675643
Email : slchai@um.edu.my

Dr. Florence Kuek Chee Wee
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675646
Email : florencekuek@um.edu.my

Dr. Yeoh Yin Yin
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675644
Email : yinyinyeoh@um.edu.my

Dr. Lai Chin Ting 
Senior Lecturer

Tel : +603 -79675695
Email : laichinting@um.edu.my

Dr. Chia Jee Luen
Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Tel : +603 -79675662
Email : chiajeeluen@um.edu.my

Department of Chinese Studies

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Universiti Malaya 
50603 Kuala Lumpur 
Tel : (603)-7967 5650/5651
Fax : (603)-7967 5458
Email : fass_cina@um.edu.my

Last Update: 13/03/2025