• Faculty of Arts And Social Sciences
  • sastera@um.edu.my
  • +603-79675500

Department Overview

The Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya has a very long history. Founded on 15 January 1959, the department has existed for the past 62 years. As one of the oldest departments not only in the Universiti Malaya but also in Malaysia, the Department of History continues to tower over the repository of scholarship by featuring a line -up of competent academics and competitive programs to ensure the study of History continues to flourish. 

In an era when society is increasingly turning to history to know and understand current developments in Malaysia or abroad, the department is committed to the appreciation and inspiration of self and national identity among its students because an individual with historical literacy will be able to understand oneself, family, society, and country clearer. 

Therefore, the department offers Bachelor of Arts History with 122 credits consisting of three curriculum components comprising university modules (12 credits), core modules (66 credits) and elective modules (44 credits). The essence of the program is the core modules that cover various aspects of Malaysian and global history. As a program that focus on Malaysian history, more core modules are provided on the Malaysian history at a ratio of 60:40.

The program also provides an opportunity for students to take elective modules which they are interest in offered by other programs in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Throughout the study, students are required to complete 30 credits of elective modules. This is very important for improving students' ability in mastering knowledge outside the field of history. In addition, the student's personality is also strengthened through the Student Attribute Enhancement Module (SHE) of eight (8) credits which emphasizes on communication skills, teamwork, savoir faire and competitiveness. 

To popularize history, this program not only meets the needs of students major in history, but also provides a place for students from other programs in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences to take thirty (30) credit from courses that are offered as elective modules. 

The credibility of the History Department as well as its program has already been proven. According to QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021, the University was ranked 151-200. The department has an extensive network of industry partners through collaborations for instance with the National Archives of Malaysia, the Department of Museums Malaysia, the National Heritage Department, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka and the Malaysian Examinations Council. At the same time, the Department of History also produced eminent national historians such as the late Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim, Professor Emeritus Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Yusoff Hashim and Professor Emeritus Datuk Dr Abdullah Zakaria Ghazali. In addition to alumni who are no less great like Tuan Yang Terutama Tun Seri Setia (Dr) Haji Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam (Governor of Melaka), Tun Daim Zainuddin (former Minister of Finance Malaysia), Dato’ Seri Utama Haji Mohamad bin Haji Hasan (former Chief Minister of Negeri Sembilan), Tan Sri Abdul Rahim bin Mohd Noor (the fifth Inspector-General of Police) and Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hj Mustapha Kamal bin Hj Abu Bakar (Executive Chairman of MK Land Holdings Berhad).

Head of Department

Associate Professor Dr. Abu Hanifah Haris
Head of Department

Tel : +603 -79675573
Fax : +603 -79675463
Email : abuhanifah@um.edu.my

Last Update: 13/02/2025